Crittenden's latest book: "If You've Raised
Kids, You Can Manage Anything"
Mothers and fathers have long suspected that if they can handle the challenges that
confront them as parents, they can handle anything. In her new book, Ann Crittenden
confirms this unacknowledged truth and demolishes the idea that parents toil in a separate domestic sphere
that is somehow less demanding than and different from the world of power and business.
Crittenden reveals, for example, that the advice contained in bestselling management books is strikingly similar
to the advice offered in parenting books. If You've Raised Kids, You can Manage Anything is the first
book to describe the parenting skills that are transferable to the workplace and the lessons of leadership that can be learned
from raising children.
Drawing on her own experience, and interviews with nearly 100 prominent parents in the fields of business, law, government, diplomacy, entertainment, and academia,
Crittenden discusses how child-rearing:
calls for multitasking and the ability to function amidst constant distractions
enhances interpersonal skills, from effective negotiation to dealing with difficult people
develops skills in motivating and encouraging others to excel
teaches a keen sense of fair play
and integrity, and much more
Full of management tips and positive, real-life stories
exploring to what extent corporate culture
has begun to recognize the valuable experience of
parents, If You've Raised Children,
You Can Manage Anything is a powerful
book that validates the work of those who raise our children. It offers empowering insights into the assets that
conscientious mothers and fathers can bring to the workplace.
Read If Youve Raised Kids,
You Can Manage Anything to discover
that: Caring for the young in
mammals is associated with gains in
learning ability, better spacial memory,
and fearlessness.
Management experts and trainers
are teaching the very same "people"
skills that are recommended in popular
baby books.
A day in the life of a top executive
closely resembles a day in the life
of a busy mother? (ie: having to focus
amidst constant distractions, always
dealing with crises, juggling several
issues at once, etc).
A benevolent, "enlightened
parent" model of leadership is
far more effective than the authoritarian,
top-down style of leadership.
On most measures, female executives
are judged more effective than their
male counterparts.
Mothers who have been out of
the job market for years have re-entered
by drawing up a "transferable
skills" resume. Examples are
included in If Youve Raised
Kids, You Can Manage Anything.
More about the
About the Book
Did You Know?
Management Tips From Mothers

More about the book:
About the Book
Did You Know?
Tips From Mothers
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