Connect for Kids provides information
to adults about the status of children
in communities, states, and the nation.
The Finance Project develops and disseminates
information about improved policies,
programs, and financing strategies
that benefit children and families.
The Future of Children is a research
journal published by The David and
Lucile Packard Foundation. It disseminates
timely information on major issues
related to the well-being of children.
Many journal issues - including the
most recent one, Caring for Infants
and Toddlers - focus on topics that
affect young children.
The National Child Care Information
Center is a project of the U.S. Child
Care Bureau, Administration for Children
and Families, U.S. Department of Health
and Human Services. It is a national
resource that links information and
people to complement, enhance, and
promote the child care delivery system.
The U.S. Department of Health and
Human Services Administration for
Children and Families administers
federal child care and Head Start
The U.S. Department of Labor Women's
Bureau, established by Congress in
1920, is the only federal agency mandated
to represent the needs of wage-earning
women in the public policy process.
The Welfare Information network of
the Finance Project is a clearinghouse
for information, policy analysis,
and technical assistance on welfare
reform. WIN includes sites on both
child care and early childhood development.
Child Trends is a nonprofit, nonpartisan
research organization that studies
children, youth, and families through
research, data collection, and data
The Interagency Forum on Child and
Family Statistics offers easy access
to federal and state statistics and
reports on children and their families
on topics including population and
family characteristics; economic security;
health, behavior, and social environment;
and education.
Kids Count is a national and state-by-state
effort to track the status of children
in the United States. By providing
policymakers and citizens with benchmarks
of child well-being. Kids Count seeks
to enrich local, state, and national
discussions concerning ways to secure
better futures for all children.
The National Academy of Sciences,
Board on Children, Youth, and Families
addresses a variety of policy-relevant
issues related to the health and development
of children, youth, and families.
It does so by convening experts to
weight in on matters from the perspective
of the behavioral, social, and health
That National Center on Children and
Poverty identifies and promotes strategies
that preven poverty among young children
int eh United States and that improve
the life chances of the millions of
children under age six who are growing
up poor.
The Urban Institute is a nonpartisan
economic and social policy research
organization. The Urban Institute
focuses on children's policy as it
intersects with welfare reform and
other issues affecting low-income
and Public Policy Groups
The Cato Institue is a nonpartisan
public Policy research foundation
that seeks to broaden the parameters
of public policy debate to allow consideration
of more options that are consistent
with traditional U.S. principles of
limited government, individual liberty
and peace. The Cato Institute has
an education and child care policy
The Child Care Action Campaign advocates
for quality, affordable child care
for all families.
The Children's Defense Fund educates
the nation about the needs of children
and advocates to "leave no child
behind." Much of the CDF's work
is centered on improving the supply,
quality, and affordability of child
The Families and Work Institute is
committed to finding research-based
strategies to foster mutually supportive
connections among workplaces, families,
and communities.
Your Child is a national public awareness
and engagement campaign to make early
childhood development a top priority
for our nation.
National Association for the Education
of Young Children is the nation's
largest organization of early childhood
education and others dedicated to
improving the quality of programs
for children from birth through third
grade. NAEYC works to improve professional
practice and working conditions in
early childhood education and to build
public support for high-quality early
childhood programs.
The National Association of Child
Care Resource and Referral Agencies
provides vision, leadership, and support
to community child care resource and
referral agencies. NACCRRA also promotes
national policies and partnerships
committed tot he development and learning
of all children.
The National Head Start Association
provides a national forum for the
continued enhancement of Head Start
services for poor children ages newborn
through five and for their families.
National Women's Law Center has worked
since its inception in 1972 to protect
and advance the progress of women
and girls at work, in school, and
in virtually every aspect of their
Zero To Three aims to strengthen and
support families, practitioners, and
communities to promote the healthy
development of babies and toddlers.
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